AI Usage

I often use generative AI models (typically through TypingMind) for searches, to answer questions, or to brainstorm. I also use them to autocomplete software code or write snippets from a design spec, and to reformat text in ways that would be annoying to achieve programmatically in a more traditional fashion.

I have occasionally used LLMs to reformat and fix the grammar of poorly written corporate articles I’ve been asked to improve, then edited them myself afterwards.

If I write to you, or you read something I have written on the web – blog posts, M2 tiddlers, emails, etc. – the words are always 100% written by me (except for quotations, obviously). I have at least four reasons for this:

  1. When I write, I normally do it to figure out what I think about the topic. Even if that isn’t the primary purpose, it’s a wildly valuable secondary one. Using an LLM here would be asking the model to tell me what I should think, which is exactly as foolish as it sounds.
  2. On that note, writing and thinking is my core value proposition as a human. With today’s technology, my writing virtually always comes out better than an LLM’s, even when it’s unpolished, and I don’t want to dilute that. (Future LLMs will likely get good enough that they could play a partial role in the editing process. They are not there yet for me.)
  3. I find that being tempted to respond or publish something using an LLM is a signal that the task is B.S. to begin with, so an even better approach is to not do it at all, or find a different way to achieve the goal.
  4. I don’t want people to have to question whether I really think something or whether I just had someone else say I do. Since there is limited value in using LLMs here right now, it’s easier to just say I never do this.

(I don’t have other humans write things for me and put my name on them either.)

Part of the ai page movement.